Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Bears in waistcoats

By Claire Garland

Bears in waistcoats

Peekaboo! These cute, cheeky bear necessities are simple enough for children to enjoy sewing, and they're also quick to make for craft fairs or stocking fillers. Create them in your favourite colours.

Click for templates (bear should be approximately 8-1/4 in/21 cm high)

  • Felt: two 30 x 15 cm (12 x 6 in) pieces for body of each bear
  • Felt scraps for muzzle and waistcoat
  • Black seed beads for eyes
  • Black embroidery silk for facial features
  • Toy stuffing

Note: The seam allowance throughout is 3 mm (1/8 in).

  1. With right sides together, pin the front body to the back body. Stitch around the bear, leaving a gap at the side between the dots.
  2. Trim about 2 mm (1/16 in) from the seam.
  3. Stuff the bear, packing the stuffing into the ears, arms, and legs. Turn the seam allowance around the gap to the inside and slipstitch the gap to close it.

  1. Place the muzzle on the face and whipstitch the edges, leaving a small gap. Stuff lightly through the gap, and then complete the sewing around the muzzle.
  2. With three strands of embroidery silk, satin stitch the nose and sew lines for the mouth. Take the needle and thread up through the back of the muzzle and bring it out at the position of one of the eyes. Sew on a bead securely. Repeat for the other eye.
  3. To accentuate the shape of the bear's head, stitch around the outline of the head, through all layers, about 3 mm (1/8 in) from the edge and across the bottom of the face. Use a thread in the same colour as the felt, and a running stitch. Stitch another line across the base of the ears.

  1. Butt the side seam edges of the waistcoat against each other and whipstitch together. (If you wish, you could decorate the waistcoat with beads or felt motifs.)


Felt supply 不织布出售 (taking orders now~)

After seeing so many felt handcraft and you wish to make some for yourself and friends but do not know where to get the felt supply?!
I'm please to announce that I'm providing this service.^^
Measurement: approximately 9" x 12"
Price: RM1.70 per piece (0.55 USD)
Minimum order is 5 pieces of felt and the colors are as follow:

Click here to view larger picture.
When you place the order, please indicate the number of pieces for each felt color.
看了那么多的不织布手工和教程, 是不是也引起你的兴趣想给自己或朋友做一个? 是不是不知道要到那里购买不织布呢? 呵呵, 这一回你们不用再烦恼啦!! 从今天开始我就提供不织布销售服务, 解决你的烦恼:)
尺寸: 大约 9 X 12 寸
价钱: 一张 RM1.70 (0.55美金)
每次定购最少5 张, 订购时请清楚地例出购买的颜色和张数
P/S: E6 - out of stock E6 - 缺货
Please place your order here. Shipping method please see here.